For A Moment

Last night, after another hurried and frustrating evening with LM, I sat down to compile all of my NaNoWriMo pages into one document. I have been writing some at home, some at work and I wanted to see where I was at with my word count. I titled the compilation my working title of, “The Trouble with Charlie” and then shut down the computer and headed to bed to read.

I haven’t been reading much lately. But I had picked up Mitch Albom’s “For One More Day” and was anxious to get into it. The book’s main character is Charley, and it’s about the time he tried to kill himself. A quarter of the way into the book his mother says to him, “that’s the trouble with you, Charley.”

I’m no Mitch Albom, and my novel is no New York Times Bestseller, but for a moment, I felt like I was a novelist reading another novelist who had written something at least similar in some primitive way to what I was writing.

The book is another great one by Mr. Albom. As if there could be any doubt. It’s an easy, quick read, but one that will stick to you much like “Tuesdays with Morrie” and “The Five People You’ll Meet in Heaven” did. I highly recommend it.


Anonymous said…
I really liked The Five People You Meet In Heaven. I'll have to go get For One More Day.
Anonymous said…

I read "I'm no Mitch Albom" and I thought - THANK GOD!

I didn't mind Tuesdays with Morrie so much but 5 people? We read it for book club and I hated it. Yes, I am a heartless wench.

Plus ole Mitch has a touch of James Frey syndrome. He fabricated a schlocky story about a sporting event and then it went to print - or was seen by his editors, or something, before the event actually happened. Suffice it to say the outcome of the event wasn't at all what he had written.

Whoa - didn't realize I had such strong Anti-Mitch feelings there...ehem, sorry about that..*ducking head*
Anonymous said…
Ooooh! I was supposed to read that! Thanks for the reminder! ;) I totally bought it the week it came out (need to represent the D) and have since forgotten it.

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