We're Not in PA Anymore

I was standing by the front entrance of the school, waiting for my students to come out of gym class when he walked in. It was the two helmets he carried that made me suspicious. "I'm certain with the amount of snow we have on the ground out there that you didn't ride a motorcycle here," I said to him. He laughed. "Nope, brought the snowmobile."

"You are here to pick up a student from school on a snowmobile?" I said in astonishment.

"Yeah, my little sister. It's a great day to be in the snow!"

"Do you live very far from here?" I asked.

"Not very, just down the street around the curve. You can see our house set way back there."

We never had so much snow, or had snow for so long, or had such a rural area where we lived in PA that I would EVER have seen someone come to pick up their student from school on a snowmobile.

But now that we're here, I have to admit, doesn't that sound so cool?! I mean, if I were 10 years old, I would LOVE that! Now I'm just wondering how long it will take me to save up for the remote car starter...


jenny said…
That's awesome! You have that much snow? I'm totally envious. All we have left is big snowman balls lying around the yard.

Sounds vaguely raunchy, doesn't it?

What I wouldn't do for a remote starter....
Anonymous said…
Oh you NEED that remote starter. It will significantly improve your quality of life!
SlushTurtle said…
That is so cool! No need for snowmobiles here in Arkansas- we don't even have a sled!
Katrina said…
I love it, too! Long after the lifelong locals start grumbling about how long the snow's been on the ground, I am twirling around in it in delight. I wonder if I'll ever get tired of it?

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