Fall On Your Knees - MacDonald

I think this was a library book sale choice, another book I picked up knowing very little at all about the plot. I even violated my own rule of never buying a book with "Oprahs' Book Club" stamped on the front. But who's to be picky when it's $1?

Fall On Your Knees is an epic tale. Spanning generations, this novel takes the reader in and around characters within one family, mainly four sisters, like a rollercoaster ride with many twists and turns, plunges and steep climbs. But instead of leaving my heart racing and my hands gripping the wheel while I screamed for more, I found this novel difficult to get in to initially, and unappealing in many places. While I was curious in the end to see the explanations and choices that led up to some of the events that had taken place earlier in the pages, I could have just as easily set the book down and never picked it up again. The setting, the characters, the challenges, the choices, the behaviors were all so foreign - things I could not begin to relate to nor understand - that I struggled to find personal meaning in the book at all.


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