The Shack - Young

When Stacy recommends a book, I don't waste any time getting my hands on it. I was only aware that this book struck her in ways that pushed her Christian thinking outside the box i some areas - I knew nothing else about the journey I was about to embark upon. Yesterday was a snow day, so I thought it was the perfect time to begin reading. It turns out, it was the perfect day to devour a book and be let with so many thoughts and questions happily swirling in my mind that I know this will not be a book I forget anytime soon.

I really don't want to say much about this book other than to recommend it to everyone I know (which is exactly what the back cover said I'll want to do). Greatly and unjustly simplified, it is an account of a Christian man's struggle to understand the purpose of evil in this world. While I find myself a skeptic whenever an experience is related to me that I cannot reconcile with the tangible world, I know there are times when things occur that cannot be explained with anything tangible. Whether or not you believe that the events of this novel took place as written the concepts of God, judgment, evil, and perception are still as intriguging and thought-provoking. I could declare Mack's account as hogwash and still spend days or weeks in theological debate over some of the ideas presented.

Before leaving you with a direct invitation to follow Mack's journey for yourself, I want to assure you that I cannot fathom any way that the implications of this novel would be offensive to anyone's faith in God. By 'thought-provoking' and 'intriguing', I only mean that in the most positive ways, my understanding of God and love and faith has been broadened by this novel.

I would already be re-reading this novel if only I hadn't felt so compelled to share it that Iimmediately placed it in the mail to a friend of mine whom I know will greatly enjoy it - and will respond with incredible thoughts and questions. Go get a copy for yourself - while you're there, pick up an extra, I guarantee you'll think of so many people to share it with before you're done.

As always, thank you, Stacy.


stacy said…
so glad you liked this book, too! isn't it hard to write a review for it without giving spoilers? but any specifics would not make sense without having experienced the whole book.

i am still ruminating on this book, even weeks later!

wow! actually LINKED me! :o)

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