Answers to Prayer

My laptop is currently dead. It needs a $250 part to breathe life again. After having just shelled out more money that I care to admit for this machine, I'm not eager to do it again. That said, I'm not in the financial market to purchase a new one, either. Rock and hard place know me all too well.

I realized today that perhaps God is trying to show me in different ways that He is taking perfectly good care of me and my needs if only I would let him. First, there was Friday's event. That, in and of itself is a demonstration of God's hand in my life and His care for me and my needs.

Another issue was resolved today, one that has been of great concern to me. Upon leaving my current job (where they pay 90% of my family coverage) , I will have a 30 day waiting period before I'm eligible for health insurance at my new position (I tried to negotiate out of this, but to no avail.) I have heard the horror stories of COBRA (mainly the cost) and was fretting that necessity. I spoke with my office manager last week and she said they would keep me on the company policy for that extra month (my premium is paid through then anyway) . I was so relieved! While not a complete break, it would at least keep my costs down to the group rate and not COBRA rates.

Today, my office manager and I were talking and I asked if she could get me a ballpark figure for how much my health insurance costs the company each month (LM, too) so I could plan for that expenditure. She said I didn't understand. They company will PAY the health insurance cost. The 90% that they currently pay now. I don't have to pay anything other than what I usually pay. DESPITE NOT BEING ON THEIR PAYROLL.

This is a $700-800 savings for me, and a HUGE answer to prayer. I thanked her and thanked her (it's not something they are just doing for me, they've done this before, too).

I am just so grateful for God's working in my life right now. I need to sit tight and know that He will answer our computer needs, too (or remind me again how a computer at home is a luxury!).

God is so good!!


Jen said…
What a blessing! I love those moments when you can actually feel God's hand on your shoulder.
Paul Michael Peters said…
You know, someone I had dinner with tonight said the same thing..."God is watching out for you." Kind of obvious to me I said, "Well yeah, he always has my back."

But it is good to remember and thank him for it all the times it is not so obvious.
Emily said…
I'm so glad you're feeling encouraged! How amazing is your old company to be so generous?
RosieBoo said…
I love stories like this that show God's showers of blessings! That's awesome!
Jennifer said…
God loves to give us luxuries :) I'm convinced that He doesn't intend for us to lack or suffer - in any area of our lives - and he cares for even the littlest things - even computers :) God is good and will always provide!!

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