Just A Few Notes Today

To LM: Thank you for such a wonderful Christmas! Thank you for celebrating the birth of Christ with me, for relishing the joy of giving great gifts and for enjoying our time together as much as anything. Thank you for my new plant. The one you personally picked out without any help. The one that you chose because of its “easy care”, because its blooms are blue, my favorite color, and because you know how much I love plants! What a wonderful child you are!

To my step-mom: Thank you for the best gift this year. You personally painted a picture of an autumn scene for us. You shared your talents and chose a theme that you thought best suited our lives and interests. The painting is amazing, you are truly talented! Thank you for sharing your gifts with us!

To Bear: I cannot thank you enough for buying my sister a Verizon cell phone. MY budget thanks you!!! I am so thrilled to be able to call her anytime without worrying about using my minutes now!!

To G: I hope you enjoy the album. I know it’s an emotional hurdle to work through. I know you have yet to grieve. I know that reading Mom’s words in Mom’s writing is harder than many things I’ve done lately, but I also know that nothing feels more real, nothing speaks as clearly as her own words telling you how much she loves you. Take your time, enjoy it, savor it, and someday, come sit with me and read through all the letters. Laugh, cry, and remember.

To my dad: Thank you so much for convincing me to buy an HD tv last spring when my old tv finally decided death was better than the life it was living. I have enjoyed watching nothing but football for the last many days and will continue to push the tolerance of my household this weekend on how many hours straight football can play on the tele! By the way, LM loves playing his ps2 games on the nice tele, too, and really looks forward to the bowl games being over so he can watch his new Star Wars movies (I, II, III) on the widescreen with surround sound!

To Mother Nature: Thank you for the mild winter thus far. Thank you for the moderate temperatures, the chance to enjoy the Bark Park, for LM to be out on his scooter, and for us to enjoy a touch of sunshine now and again. We are already looking forward to spring, although we know we have a couple more months of the cold to work through first.

To the Woman Who Made Me A Brunette: I'm getting used to it. This is not to say I prefer it, but I'm at least not shocked when I pass a mirror. The cut will be fantastic in about a month when I can tuck behind my ears once again, but all in all, I'm not feeling homicidal over my bad hair color. Lucky for you.

To the Lovely Folks at Wal*Mart: Standing in line with a pair of kids' sneakers, cat litter, flour and a binder, I find it so odd to think I bought all those things under one roof (all the while smelling Subway bread baking - ew). I know you aspire to be all things for all people, but seriously. It's getting to be a bit much. Especially the smell of Subway.

To the Makers of Emerald Nuts: get a new ad agency.

To Anyone Who Knows Something On the Subject: Is it possible to get an electric fireplace that doesn't need venting? Can I buy such a thing, and have Bear or G build me a beautiful mantle and never have to actually do anything to my interior or exterior walls? Can I create a "portable" fireplace that isn't permanently affixed to this condo?

To Karla: Thanks for the recommendation on the dog training book. I've read it cover to cover now. I'm not certain that it gives me the tools I was looking for, but it was reassuring to know that we're at least doing a whole lot of things right! Maybe I will have to write a book on how to train a LARGE BREED dog.

To the People Who Are Recieving Our Christmas Card Late, aka those of you who failed to inform us that you moved and the original card got returned to us: Pardon the Hannukah and Happy Birthday stamps. Apparently when the post office is in transition to a new stamp, you are given NO OPTION on what kinds you can buy in the interim.

To The New Year: Look out! This woman on a mission is really on a roll! All things are possible! I look forward to the challenges and blessings the New Year will bring to me, to this home and to my family!

Happy New Year Everyone!


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