Houston, We Have A Problem

Dads will be dads. Whatever that means, it apparently includes being a bit overly concerned about his middle child’s track record.

Last night, after calling my dad with the news about the job offer, I received three emails from him with suggestions and advice about negotiations and concerns. I’m 34, I’m fairly certain I can handle it, but I understand his need to be needed and his desire for me not to sell myself short.

The first two emails were innocent enough. Ideas on trade-offs that I might make to help negotiations (mind you, I’m asking for an incredibly minimal change to their offer).

The third email concerned me that maybe his blood thinners are affecting his brain.

This new job requires a security clearance. Not a big deal, the employer said, and certainly nothing they’ve made any sort of a fuss over or expressed any kind of concern for. But Dad, in all of his infinite wisdom says, and I’ll quote directly, “Worrier that I am, is there any concern about what would happen if you didn't pass your security clearance? Could you be in a position of having quit one job and not be eligible for the other? I cannot imagine what could prevent the security clearance. I had one (Top Secret). However, what if J has contact with something questionable or S, not being a citizen, had something in his background. You don't have to answer this; I am just asking the what if questions”

Let me clarify. My Dad. Thinks. I might not want to quit my current job. Until. I know if I can pass security clearance on the new job. Because. I have a gay ex husband. And. I dated a Canuck.

While these two events in and of themselves might fall into the “mistake” category, they certainly aren’t CRIMINAL. (Are they?)


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