A Bad Combination

Maybe it's because I give tours daily, or maybe it's because I just took a First Aid class, or maybe it's because I dreaded the obligatory birthday gathering my company does that I thought for sure they'd try to surprise me with today. I don't know the cause, all I know is I haven't had dreams this weird since I was preggers (and no, I'm definitely not. Thanks for being concerned anyway.)

Last night I dreamt that I was giving a tour to a man who was not quite all there. He was mentally handicapped to some degree, but I was giving him a tour around the basement of some house. There were pool tables and general clutter, but I was telling him all about it nontheless. I was interrupted by my sister, who said we had to go. I knew she meant we had to go to the birthday thing, but I didn't want to go. I reluctantly followed her, abandoning the tour guy and we found ourselves walking through a very long and very crowded hotel lobby. I knew we were headed for one of the banquet rooms at the end of the hall (even though the birthday thing is a really small and quick affair). Along the way, my sister was throwing little yellow cubes at Little Bird and LM. They had been doing something bad, apparently and this was how she decided to get them to stop. I yelled at her to knock it off. I was soooo upset that she was THROWING things at the kids. Jules said, "I didn't hurt them. I didn't even hit them." And I started screaming at her, "Yes you did! Look! Here's a DENT in LB's head!!" I was so angry with her, but she just kept on walking towards the banquet room. I decided right then and there that I wasn't going. I knew it was for my own birthday and I knew I would take a lot of grief for it later, but I just decided I didn't care, I wasn't going.

As I walked back the way we came, I saw my old boss (from two jobs ago). He and I started talking as we stood on either side of this strange machine. The machine was about the size of a typewriter but was a square wooden box of sorts with a conveyor belt running along the side of the top. My old boss was telling me that I should go to this birthday thing. I kept trying to interrupt, to tell him what my sister had done, but he kept saying, "It doesn't matter. You still need to go." I was getting so upset that he wouldn't even listen to me, and didn't CARE how irrational my sister had been (apparently, in my dream in all,) but just then, his arm got caught in the conveyor and the machine started to pull him in. His body shrunk to about a quarter of the size that it would normally be as he was pulled into the machine. I immediately yelled, "HELP! Someone help us! Call 911!" and grabbed onto the conveyor to keep it from pulling him in any further. All that was left, sticking out, were his legs, which were strangely small and seemed soft and pliable, dangling in an unnatural position. I saw down by the edge of the conveyor belt his little hand sticking out, so I held onto it and kept saying, "You'll be all right," even though I knew there was no way he could be sucked into that small of a space and come out all right.

I found a switch on the side of the machine and turned it off and then immediately started unscrewing these tiny little screws on the sides (I was picking up the machine and turning it all around while I unscrewed them...it was very light for holding a grown man inside). As I got a section unscrewed, I would lift off a layer of the machine which revealed a small amount more of the squished boss, and several more layers of machine. I kept unscrewing and pulling away layers only to realize that when I got to the last layer, it was only about an inch thick and surely, no brain could survive being smooshed that small and flat...

And that's when I woke up.

I don't know what's wrong with me. But it makes me just slightly uneasy that later in the day a 3 1/2 year old boy broke his arm at the Y and we had to call his grandmother and paramedics.


Jen said…
You win the prize for the weirdest dream ever. My weirdest one, from when I was pregnant of course, was that I delivered the baby and it was a fish. One of those ugly flat ones with the eyes on one side. We put it in the tub with water and I said, "Well, we knew it could be a fish." I just accepted that it could be a boy or a girl...or a fish. Weird.
Anonymous said…
What did I do to you to deserve being a part of this wild one?

Love ya, Jules in MI
Katrina said…
Is August 2 your birthday? That would be delightfully coincidental, since it is my birthday, too. :D

Also, that is a way disturbing dream. I hate when that happens. When I wake up from one of those, I feel like I should get a do-over for that night's sleep.

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