
LM is well aware that his mother is a kidder. Every single time he has ever had a minor injury I have always proclaimed the answer to be “Amputation!” I've turned his minor tears into laughs when I head to the kitchen and start pulling out the "appropriate tools" necessary to cut off a toe, or decapitate a child. He used to scream "NOOO!!" until he finally got the humor and started to play along. Now, when he hits his head on his loft or stubs his toe he’ll say, “I’m okay, Mom, no need to amputate!”

Whenever he has done something wrong and we’ve had our discussion about it, I try to end the situation with laughter, hugs and lots of “I love yous”. It’s not uncommon, after all is resolved, for me to mutter under my breath. but loud enough for him to hear, “I guess I should take down the "For Sale: Child" sign in the yard before the gypsies come by.” I have even called my sister on occasion and asked her if she wanted to sell her kids to the gypsies as maybe we could get more money for three than just for my one. LM’s sense of humor has developed well over the years and he is now confident enough to know that I’m always kidding about this and will even chime in with his suggestions, “It's too bad they won't let you sell kids on Ebay, huh, Mom?”

We keep our grocery list on the refrigerator. We both add to it as necessary and do a weekly shop on Saturday. When I was adding “pickles” to the list yesterday I took a look at what LM has been adding to the list. “Napkins”, “Milk” and “Gypsy repelent”.

I guess it's evident to both of us that he's been in more trouble than usual this week, huh?


Anonymous said…
That's awesome. Mine has "wafls" "tRIX" AND "gogert" scribbled in bad writing on it now.
Amy said…

there are fewer things that touch my heart like a child's writing on a grocery list. I cannot explain it, but it's their simple, meager requests written in poor penmanship with horrid spelling that just gets me everytime! Take one and save it someplace to make you smile on a rainy day!
Anonymous said…
Nothing brings a tear to my eye like "beer" written on a grocery list. :-)

We're raising our son to have a sense of humor. He'll have lots of chances to practice his punmanship while he grows up. That's my legacy as a dad.

– Texas T-bone

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