Notting Hill

Watching a movie is one of my favorite Saturday afternoon indulgences, and Notting Hill is one of the few "chick flicks" that I have watched numerous times. I'm not sure exactly what I love most about this movie; the wonderfully imperfect characters that all adore each other unquestionably; the story of the most unlikely love being not only possible, but desireable; the setting, quaint London, full of quirks and novelties not found in my own life; the accents - it's just a cute little package of a movie that I love. Perfect for a cold, windy Saturday.

You'll pardon me if I go dream of my own Englishman with a cute little home with a blue door and a mail slot and a fantastically charming sense of humor (not that I'm any movie just seems as unlikely for this American girl...)

Have I mentioned this movie has a fantastic soundtrack? ("You say it best, when you say nothing at all...")


Anonymous said…
Glad to hear you've had a great Saturday. . .I've picked up the phone to call several times and it's never quite worked out. We are just settling in to watch "Little Miss Sunshine". It's the first movie that we've seen in months that has actually been in theaters recently! I know. .. you are SHOCKED!! Love you a lot!!! Miss you a ton!!! Wish I was on the couch next to you watching Notting Hill (I've never seen it). Sis/Jules
Katrina said…
I love Spike. How can you not? (He has fabulous taste in briefs.)

Love that movie and soundtrack.

Anonymous said…
Ooooh. It's been a long time since I've seen that one.

(Adding it to my Netflix que right this second.)
Anonymous said…
i do love that movie as well. though, i think i love it because it is totally unrealistic and i love all the goofy romance movies hugh grant is in.
Sarah Louise said…
You would think I would love this movie. I would think I would love it. I did not. Go figure. But I'll check out the soundtrack--movie soundtracks can be the best CDs to listen to!!
~ej said…
love this movie, spike is so funny (he's in "the replacements" too). have to listen next time i watch for the music too!
jenny said…
how have i missed this one? oh, is this julia roberts? is she in this?

i guess that would be how.
Lisa said…
Aww, I love that movie. I remember that was the first time I had ever seen anyone wear flipflops with a skirt (Julia's character) and I thought it was so odd.

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