There Are Things I Miss

While I don't regret the move to Michigan for a single instant (neither does the boy), there are things I miss about our home in PA.

I miss the sunshine that fell through all our windows.
I miss the open space we had, the clean, uncluttered feel to the house.
I miss having a park to walk the dog or ride bikes right around the corner.
I miss my birdfeeders on the deck.
I miss all my plants. While several survived the move, I have less than a third of what I used to have.
I miss people at our church, especially our pastor.
I miss our dishwasher that actually understood its function of cleaning.
I miss my beautiful cherry kitchen cabinets.
I miss having laundry right in my home that doesn't require quarters to operate.
I miss the sound of the R/C airplanes from the field just down the road.
I miss taking Gabe to the dog park and then for a bath.
I miss the warmer weather and the green grass, instead of snow and cold this time of year.

but today, most of all, I miss a certain picnic table at a park not an hour from home. If I were in PA today, I know that's where I would be right now, watching the sunlight on the lake, wondering about matters of the heart.


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