Reasons to Celebrate

As if being Friday isn't enough, here are some reasons we are celebrating today:

1. The sun is shining and it's in the upper 60's. (Enough reason for me to throw a party, I swear!)
2. With the break in the weather, I will get the deck sealed (tonight) before my new downstairs neighbor moves in and puts furniture out on her patio.
3. LM has TWO loose teeth. Not a big deal to most kids, but to mine, who has lost only two on his own (read that: without the aid of plyers and the dentist) we are all THRILLED!
4. I am in contact with a foster agency closer to my home. While I love the one I'm in training with, it's a good hour to their door and I will need to go back and forth often for supervised visits with the birth family. A closer agency also provides me with more local resources and knowledge about day care providers and respite care. YIPPEE!!
5. Eli seems to be much happier now that we aren't putting him in his crate each day. He still has an occasional accident, but we're learning the why's and how to prevents, and we're all much happier (well, except the kitties, who have now banished themselves to LM's room...)
6. This weekend the Red Sox play the Yankees which means: I WILL GET TO SEE ALL THE GAMES (since network television seems to think these games are important or something...)
7. NASCAR has its first night race of the season in Phoenix on Saturday. 'nuff said.
8. Today was garbage and recycling day which meant the loads of recycling I had brought home from the office are now out of the utility closet and out on the curb. I can finally see the pile of laundry left in the closet...
9. My laptop is finally home after nearly two weeks of being at the repair shop. We have more memory, we'll have a new wireless card and we should be running smoothly all weekend. (What this means to you is: I'll finally be able to post the video clip I've had on the camera for over a week!)
10. Newly has an ultrasound pic on her blog - just go see it, it'll make your heart leap.


SlushTurtle said…
Hooray for Friday! It's supposed to be 82 here tomorrow. :)
Newlywife said…
To those fans from out west who read our dear love Amy...the break in the weather is long anticipated here in the Philadelphia area...and I, like Amy, want to throw a party over it.

*well that and the picture...thanks for the good thoughts Amy!
Mig said…
YAY to all the reasons!!!!

Happy Friday, Amy!
Sarah Louise said…

(Although at this reading, it IS Monday...)

but still, Hooray!!

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