The Visit

New slacks, shoes and shirt....

New tie...

and a New Easter Dress - $100

A new game (birthday gift for G)...

...all about bluffing...

..that Eli could play better than I can..
....called "Liar's Dice" - $20

Coming up for Easter....

...playing with the dog...

...and surprising your nephew? PRICELESS!
(Thanks, G, for the wonderful visit!)


Anonymous said…
Love the pictures! What a fun, fun, FUN surprise for LM! I hope your Easter was your dress!
Jennifer said…
Wow! Can't help but notice that slight family resemblance in the last picture!!! So glad you had an awesome Easter and visit with your brother :)

P.S. I'm just wondering if the shades made bluffing easier?
Mig said…
This post is so cool!!!

I love the pictures you took and I'm glad it was a good visit for everyone.

Now I'm dying to know more about Liar's dice.
Amy said…
I found the game, "Liar's Dice" at the Hallmark store. Everyone has five die, and you secretly roll and then put up a bid based on how many dice with a certain number you believe will appear from all players. When it is your turn, you either have to bid higher (more, or a higher dice number) or call out someone else as a LIAR! Either the liar or the person who unjustly called them out loses a dice depending on the outcome. It's a fun game, not as easy as it sounds, especially as the number of dice dwindles.

And yes, just like in poker, the shades really helped. Especially for Eli.
Sarah Louise said…
Your brother is cute!! Also, your hair is gorgeous...esp in the picture of you playing dice. You really are lovely.

Like the Easter dress, the new tie, your apartment...well, the whole kit and caboodle, basically.

Happy Easter and Happy Birthday G!
Katrina said…
Great photos! It looks like it was a terrific visit, and LM certainly seems to enjoy time with his uncle! I totally see the family resemblance (and I second the comment on your beautiful hair.) :)
Lisa said…
Hee - loved the pictures - especially Eli with the glasses. And your brother is a cutie! It looks like you all had a great visit.

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