From Atlanta To Philly in 3.2 days

G arrived at the airport and ran to his gate because the people-mover was broken. Arrived at the gate to find it was the WRONG gate, his gate was at the opposite end of the terminal. Ran. Fast. Boarded plane. Plane backed up from the gate, got out to the runway, discovered an engine problem. Like, it wouldn't start. Taxied back to the gate. Sat.



They took off passengers who had connecting international flights.


Passengers were told they had fixed the engine problem and would now be preparing for take-off. Passengers were told they would actually still land on time, despite the hour delay. Hmm...

Then they found another problem.





G stood in line about 357 people deep at the gate counter trying to find resolution.

G calls me for the 14th time this afternoon.

"Um, sis? What do you call it when they are putting you back on the plane? Re-embarking?" I said, "If they are putting you back on the same plane, I would call that WORRISOME!"

G is supposedly going to be inflight shortly on the same plane that has already been declared unflyable. If he still lands on time (15 minutes ago) I will seriously be concerned.

Prayers are welcome.


~**Dawn**~ said…
Lord. just what i needed to read before i fly tomorrow. =P LOL! hope he lands ok!
Jules said…
That is very concerning that they are re-boarding a plane that had to be called back not once, but TWICE!! I've only flown once, but I think I'd be pretty mad and nervous.
jenny said…
Hoping everything went well and G has arrived safe and sound.
Sarah Louise said…
ACK! So I guess you didn't have to worry about LM getting scared when it was Bear at the door Thursday?

Lifting y'all up right now.

--sign me a world traveler in my earlier life. I'm realizing I don't so much miss the airport part...

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