
2 Flights from Newark, NJ to Orlando, FL: $400
Souvenirs, sting ray adventure and miscellaneous cruise costs: $300
one week long vacation with 14 family members: priceless

Leaving 70 degree weather for 20 degree weather: sucks
Coming home from vacation with a horrible sinus infection: sucks
confirmation of resolution with DirectTV in the mail: PRICELESS
waking up to find my downstairs neighbor MOVING OUT: UNBELEIVABLE!!! YIPPEE!!

(Pictures and details from the cruise to follow as soon as I recover from this nasty cold. I promise!)


shayze said…
Welcome back and congrats on the DN moving out!
Jennifer said…
Was wondering about you! Hope you get to feeling better very soon :) Can't wait to see your pics!
Katy said…
Yay for the DirectTV resolution and the DN moving out! I hope that your sinus infection clears quickly.
Anonymous said…
Woohoo! Nothin' like coming home to some good news!

(sorry to hear you're sick, though!)
Mig said…
Welcome back!
Can't wait to see the pictures.
Jules said…
So glad about your neighbor moving out. And I can't wait to see the pictures!
Sarah Louise said…
You were gone...ah...I missed you!! I was glad when my DN moved out but then I got the new one...well, nothing's perfect. But at least I can play music now!
Katrina said…
So glad you had a great time! As for Downstairs Neighbor moving out, it's a mixed bag. No more multitude of annoyances, but you've also lost a truckload of blogging material...
Anonymous said…
can't wait to see pictures!

and YEAHHHH!!! the neighbors are moving! hopefully, the next set won't be blogging fodder.
jenny said…
so glad you're back!

can't wait to see the pictures.

aw, I'll kinda miss DN.
Bearca said…
Sinus infection and freezing weather? Bad. But everything else? Awesome!

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