My Child, My Sweet, Sweet, Child

I was sicker than a dog yesterday. Only because I had promised, and because LM was convinced all the good Christmas trees were taken while we were on the cruise did I venture out at all into the world yesterday. By 9 pm, with Monday Night Football on in the background, I collapsed from exhaustion on the couch, falling into a sleep deeper than I had slept in months.

I woke at 12:30am in a panic. Where was LM? Who put him to bed? Was he okay? Was the house locked? Were the lights off? I saw a note on the coffee table, next to my sleepy head that read:

"Goodnight, Mom. I'm in bed and have: brushed, gargeld, clearasilled and anything else. LM. P.S. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOO"

This morning, when I apologized profusely for falling so dead asleep, LM said, "it's okay, Mom, you weren't feeling well. I saw the time on the clock and so I shut off my game and got ready for bed. I didn't want you to worry."

Oh how I love this child. With every ounce that is in me, I love him. But for the grace of God, and in spite of my parenting, sometimes children exceed all the hopes we could ever have for them. Oh how I love this child of mine.


Katrina said…
That is so wonderful! And for the record, I think there is a lot more "because of" than "in spite of" going on here.
Mig said…
Children hold many surprises, that's the beauty of parenting.

Hope you are feeling better and picked out a great tree.
Anonymous said…
that was about the sweetest thing i've read/heard in a long time.

you've done a good job!

(hope you are feeling better!)
jenny said…
Not in spite of your parenting, Amy....because of it.

and darnitall...i just read Katrina's comment.

so call me in agreement.
Jules said…
That was SO sweet. Awww, Amy, you're a great parent!
Amy A. said…
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Anonymous said…
Don't you just love it when your kid rocks your world?

Amy A/prettyshiny
Jennifer said…
All I can say is that you've obviously done a great job of teaching your son the meaning of integrity and honesty. Even when he goof's up every now & then (because let's face it, it will happen), you should rest assured in knowing that when it comes right down to it, you've got a great kid that you don't need to worry about :)

Hope you're feeling better!
Jen said…
I love those moments that remind me why being a mom is the best thing in the world. I think God sends them just often enough to balance out all those other moments.:)
Poka Bean said…
amazing. you must be doing something right. BIG TIME! please take copious parenting notes that you can share with me later when i need them, okay?

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