More Than Words

It's been hovering in the air for days. There were moments when the feeling was so tangible I thought I might reach out and grab it. But not a word was spoken. I knew he was holding back for my sake. He is not the one that is afraid.

I finally came to grips, I put a name to the emotion I realized what must be done, what had to be said. But I thought I would wait. His birthday is on Saturday. When he's taking me away for the day. It could wait. It would be better to wait.

But last night, within moments of walking in his door, after two children had run from their rooms to jump into my arms and hug me, after family dinner around the table filled with prayers, highs and lows and winks across the table, I knew it with such certainty I could avoid it no longer.

Laying on the hardwood floors, him working with his boy's Lego creation, me reading with his girl while she twisted my hair in her little fingers the emotion overwhelmed me. In a brief moment, when the kids had run to their rooms, I whispered all that I was holding in my heart.

"I love you."

"I have been wanting to say that for days," he replied in a whisper. "I love you, too."


Jennifer said…
*heart fluttering
*heart still fluttering

Katrina said…
Beautiful. I am so thrilled for you!
jenny said…
what jennifer said

Sarah Louise said…
*smile* It couldn't have happened to a nicer gal. It's a little bizarre to be reading these posts in backwards chronological...
Hillary said…
I'm reading in FORWARDS chronological, and I'm lovin' it!


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