Girl in Hyacinth Blue - Vreeland

My second mom recommended this book to me awhile ago and I was fortunate enough to find it at the library when I picked up Sparks' latest.

Girl in Hyacinth Blue traces the path of a painting as it passes from hand to hand, touching lives as it goes. Each chapter reads like a short story in and of itself, with a unique narrator adding to the understanding, perspectives and dimensions of the painting. Vreeland takes us through the lifespan of the painting back even to the origins and the subject herself.

Art History was one of my favorite classes in college. You wouldn't know it now, as I'm not all that fond of museums and I find many pieces of art to be too artistic for me to understand, but it was because of the passion of the professor that I enjoyed my college requirement so much and it is with a similar passion that Vreeland spins this tale for us as we all fall in love with the mysterious painting.

This book is a unique read. I enjoyed seeing how a simple painting of a simple girl wearing a simple expression could affect so many people in so many ways. I loved how it changed people and how it changed their lives; of the people that would forsake everything else just to keep the painting for the joy it brought to them. Of how people could relate so intensely to the girl they knew so little about. I truly found myself swept away.

I highly recommend this read - my step mom and I read many of the same books so I had no doubt her recommendation would prove to be a good one and I highly second the suggestion.


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