Can You Use A Coupon?

I was reading a brochure that listed local classes and activities offered by the park district. I noticed a listing for a cheap ceramics class but my enthusiasm was quickly squelched when I saw the class was offered on Wednesdays from 9-noon or noon-2pm. "Do they think that people just don't work?!" I sighed.

"Yep," replied LM. "They think only the husbands work and the wives stay home all day."

"Ahh, a husband," I said. "Where do you suppose I could get us one of those?"

"At WalMart," said LM confidently, without missing a single beat.

"They sell husbands at WalMart?" I asked doubtfully.

"Yep. In the furniture section."

"They sell husbands in the furniture section at WalMart? I'm not so certain I would want a husband from WalMart, but I just can't believe they've sold them there all these years and I had no idea. Are you certain? WalMart? Really?"

LM left the breakfast table and headed to his bedroom. He emerged with his big reading pillow, which he years ago he learned to refer to as a "husband" by his best friend. "Yes, Mom. They sell husbands (reading pillows) in the furniture section at WalMart."

LM. Oh, that boy thinks he's soooo clever. Wherever does he get that sarcastic, dry sense of humor from? Oh, right. Nevermind.


Sarah Louise said…
I have a purple husband. I had a corderoy one in college. I didn't know they were called husbands until college. So your son is ahead of the curve as far as I'm concerned. But we already knew he was a genius, so there you go.

You changed your profile!! I'm doing the Snoopy dance! NOW you are really moved in.

that crazy librarian,

Mig said…
I love the SNOOPY dance!!!!

I'm doing it too AND that LM is very funny!!!!
Hillary said…
Snoopy dance? I think I'm missing something?

And I never knew those things were called husband pillows... or husbands... or whatever. Weird.

LM is a pretty funny little dude! :)
Anonymous said…
I didn't know those pillows were called husbands until I was in college, either.

That LM. Always blindingly bright.
Jennifer said…
You made me laugh again...or maybe it was LM that made me laugh. But, it definitely brought humor to my otherwise stressful day :)

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