In honor of what would have been my thirteenth wedding anniversary today, I give to you my list of the 13 best things about being married:

1. Even when we had no plans, I still had someone to do nothing with.
2. Grocery shopping, carrying in the bags and putting away the food was a group effort.
3. Sometimes, if I didn’t take out the trash, he would.
4. Adult conversation on a daily basis.
5. His family lived in England which meant they paid for us to visit!
6. Riding in the passenger seat.
7. He cleaned out the cat box.
8. Cooking for three.
9. Silly little acts of kindness. J would buy a body wash that he thought I’d like, or my favorite snack food, ‘just cause’.
10. At church, at the movies, or out to eat, there was always someone sitting next to me.
11. Having someone who took my side when I thought my friends/family/co-workers were being unfair.
12. Being a stay at home mom.
13. Sharing cute LM moments together.


Plantation said…
No mention of sex? Hmmm.
jenny said…
number six is totally underrated :)
Amy said…
No mention of sex, Tddd. There's a reason for that. 'Nuff said.
Autumn Storm said…
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Autumn Storm said…
(typo, sorry)

I'd settle for number 2 & 13, except mine is ML :)
Katrina said…
Good stuff! I'm always touched by the effort you and your ex put into remaining friendly and cooperative as parents. I know that LM is reaping the benefits of your open hearts!

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