The Scales of Justice

I realize that life seems so unfair as a child, but I can say with confidence and first-hand knowledge that the scales of justice balanced themselves out this morning. For all the times I’ve justified why I get to stay up late and he doesn’t, or why the last brownie is always Mom’s, today I got the other end of the stick. And it was cold. And hard. And cruel.

I had been hitting snooze for a hundred times trying to convince myself that getting out of bed this morning surely would be the worst part of my day. There was a cold wet nose urging me to get up and go outside (where it was sleeting) when I heard a little man’s voice ask if I had checked the news. I knew the information he was after and told him to go turn on the computer as I let my radio start talking again. He read the words as I heard them on the radio, “School is Closed.”

He jumped with glee and screamed a little scream of joy! As I stumbled through an abbreviated morning routine (trying to get to work as early as I could to avoid the roads that would be fine, but no other driver would recognize this fact) he was full of smiles, asking me what he could watch on the DVR. His day is filled with movies, peanut butter sandwiches (that he’ll share with the dog) and never getting out of his pajamas. It’ll be topped off by one of his favorite dinners of late and certainly his favorite night of TV, “Survivor”. (A double-dose, even, since we taped last week’s episode.)

My day? Not so swell. Rationed serving of low-sodium peanuts and a Caesar salad. A pounding headache and the need to go to the store for just ONE item (which drives me crazy!) No work to be done so I finished off another book but that only bothers my eyes even more. A stack of bills in my pocketbook to be mailed on the way home ensuring that we are broke again for the next 30 days. The need to go home and get on the rower but lacking any desire to do so. The knowledge that I will have to take the dog out at least four times in the rain/sleet/freezing rain this evening.

It is no fun to be Mom today.


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