It Would Seem That I Am "It"

I was just mulling over what to post this Friday when I realized I had been TAGGED by Poka Bean (by the way, if you love reading Poka like I do, she’s back to posting again – go!! Read her!! I got hooked on Poka when I read her blog titled “294” – you’ll love it like I did!!)

Anywho – now that I’m done singing the praises of Poka (oh, and lest I forget, read Undercover, too. She used to be Poka’s roomie and they are still bff and she’s got great things to say as well.)

So, onto the tag. Oh, wait. Read Carolyn (aka Boogie’s Mom) She used to work with UC and she’s got beautiful pics of her kids posted, and well, she’s just cool. And she has a new job that she loves so give her props for that.

Okay, so 3 things..have you seen the picture that Jersey put up for HNT? The orange one? It’s really cool! Go see it! Orchestrated has found Trader Joe's - a way cool place! And while you’re at it, give Todd a hug for trying so hard to be such a great dad. He’s busy Chasing the American Dream and he’s struggling with joint custody and the opinions of an ex wife. Tough all the way around, but sounds like he’s doing the best for his son. Likewise is Wendy. She’s got a great post about raising emotionally intelligent children. Something we all need to think over and put into action! Great points made, Wendy! Speaking of great epiphanies, read Dad - if nothing else just for the picture! Dooce has a great sound recording of Leta. Remember all the funny things your kids have mispronounced over the years? Yeah, takes me back, I tell ya. LM called himself “Heybub” for years. Loved that. Katrina got the sweetest note from her daughter telling her what a great mom she is. (I don’t know if the Note was on a Napkin or not). And Gretchkal wrote a spring haiku which is more than I could ever aspire to do poetically!

Okay, so what do I wish…Pear continues to crack me up. She thinks she is trying so hard just to write, but what she doesn’t realize is that while she’s so busy trying to write, she’s writing very awesome stuff! Belligerent caught my attention with his Lost comments – if you’re not addicted, work on it!! Oh, and have you seen the black and white photo Jurgen posted, or the results of the cooperative Wednesday writing assignment? Too funny! Texas is cleaning which reminds me that something I wish for is a maid, j/k.

All right, all right, I know, I’m supposed to be posting about the tagged…did you see the picture of Bearca’s little one getting a haircut? Oh.My.Gosh. It’s just too cute!

Before I forget, everyone send positive thoughts to Slushy as she’s trying to conquer the mound of ironing. Not fun no matter how you look at it.

So, where was I? Oh, right. TAGGED!! I’ll do my best here…

3 things you wish for (just for you) (You mean I can’t wish for a new computer for Gorilla?!?)
1. A house. Not a condo, not a townhouse, but my own single family dwelling where I never have to listen to my neighbor’s music again.
2. To find the continued motivation to lose weight.
3. Mastery over the leash issues with Gabe. It’s truly a problem only for me and my life would be SO much better if this were remedied.

3 things you would do to/for yourself if there was no one to judge you (or if you had the guts to do it!)
1. Get a new nose.
2. Buy a truck
3. Get another dog (or two)

3 habits you have (these can be good or bad, right?!)
1. Diet/binge/diet/binge…
2. Cleaning the kitchen every morning before I go to work.
3. Talking to my sister on the phone when I’m in my car (it’s a family trait, I swear!)

3 insecurities you feel
1. That I’m not doing a good job of being a mother.
2. That I’ll never have another meaningful relationship with a boy.
3. That I’ll never be out of debt.

3 talents/skills you wish you had
1. Cooking things that make people go “YUM!”
2. To play the guitar
3. To be able to sing

3 things you would do if you had more time (I have oodles of time, so I’m going to amend this one to be “if I had the money”)
1. Devote more time to photography (which I’ll do whenever I can afford to go digital)
2. Have a greenhouse where I would propagate plants to sell or give them away.
3. Become an ambassador for some worthwhile charity, giving presentations and trying to solicit grants/donations/volunteers. (wait, I could probably do this without having more money, couldn’t I? Hmm…gonna have to give this some thought!)

3 things that bring you peace/relaxation
1. Sleeping in on a Saturday morning.
2. the Bark Park
3. Spending quality time with my son.

3 things that spark your creativity
1. scrapbooking
2. reading
3. blogging


Poka Bean said…
thanks for the mad props, yo. now i'm off to fix my link to your new site on my blog since the old one is still up. happy friday!!
Unknown said…
thank you, a haiku
by gretchkal

thank you very much
the shout out was much enjoyed
you are so awesome

seriously, it's cool that you mentioned me. i feel almost like a celebrity ... :)
Katrina said…
Awww! I am all atwitter at making the Amazing Amy's list of reads! You are one of my first stops in webland, as well--you have such a unique, centered way of looking at things, I always leave richer than when I came!

I see by your threes that we have a lot in common! Those last three are my favorite things to do when I have a spare moment (or even when I don't!)
Anonymous said…
i'd be happy if you'd wish for my computer to mysteriously hook itself up and work. i'd like that very much!!!

when you find the secret to mastering weight loss, please share. i've been searching for years....

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