
I want to post pictures from our trip. I want to post about LM's latest mispronunciation, I want to post about George (I probably have three posts just about George) but tomorrow is the SAT (which LM is not going to score hgh enough on in math to qualify for the gifted program, but sine I already shelled out my dollars, he might as well take the darn thing) and next week LM's Science Fair project is due, and I've been fighting a cold and the house is a pit, the dog is desperate for attention and I haven't seen anything green outside in months and well, I guess posting is going to have to wait. Even if I still can't see grass or leaves outside, I'll post soon. I promise.

I will say this much, though, hibernating through the winter months is sounding better and better every day.

Nothing but sleep, baby, nothing but sleep.


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