Perhaps All of the Above?

A train leaves the station at 6:34pm with a child aboard who is studying for his SAT exam less than two weeks away. If his mother has just taken a heavy dose of cold medicine after an agonizing day with first graders, and the dog desperately wants to go out, which of the following is true?
A. The child will forever associate the acronym "SAT" with "Stupid, Absurd, Test";
B. The mother's head will implode at the mere mention of the words "algebra" and "geometry";
C. The dog will actually score higher than either the child or the Nyquil-induced mother, but will be unable to properly mark his answer key without an opposable thumb; or,
D. The child, the mother and the dog will all mutually agree that the train is an antiquated and nearly obsolete form of transportation in America and thereby declare all questions involving, pertaining to or referencing trains to be null and void.


Katrina said…
C--And under the current educational statutes, wouldn't the tester then be responsible for providing an alternate test-taking format? I think the dog's rights are being violated.
Fish said…
I don't think it's that simple, I think it's an equation where the square root of (A + B)/D x 3C = AARGH! (a new universal constant of frustration?
Jennifer said…
I've always hated story problems, especially those that began with "A train left the station"...I vote D for sure!!!!

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