Top Twenty Tuesday

It’s raining again. But, I thought I’d focus on the positive today.

Things about my day that I found a new found adoration for:
1. The little button on my keychain that unlocks my car doors before I’m even there.
2. An umbrella that not only pops open with the push of a button, but collapses with the same push of a button.
3. The internet on my office computer
4. A hottie in line at Panera’s.
5. Making LM blissfully happy by spending $3 on a new Star Wars comic book.
6. Dropping off the mail and depositing money in the bank without ever leaving my warm, dry car.
7. Frozen dinners that cook almost on their own and are ready to eat in 20 minutes or less with little to no effort.
8. A phone call from George thanking me for the movie “Wobots” for his birthday.
9. A voice on the phone that tickles my soul.
10. Watching “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown” for the first time when I’m 34 and my kid is at his dad’s.
11. Knowing payday is 24 hours away.
12. Warm, soft, comfortable jammies, a blanket and kitties to curl up with.
13. Watching The Amazing Race.
14. Not having to do the dreaded work I thought I would be doing tonight.
15. A dog with a big enough bladder to handle only going out a couple of times in the cold and rain.
16. Did I mention the hottie in line at Panera’s?
17. Half a tank of gas.
18. New wellies for walking the dog in the rain.
19. A hot bowl of popcorn.
20. Going to bed early.


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