
Can you tell how bored I am at work today? This is from Miladysa’s site (she is linked off to the right – over there – no, your other right…)

7 Things To Do Before I Die
Fall in love for the last time
Travel to Ireland
See my grandchildren get married
Get published, somewhere for something
Lose weight (I don’t want the pall bearers complaining)
Play the piano again
Make a name for myself as the coolest Aunt ever

7 Things I Can Do
Make great applesauce
Make my son laugh
Organize large and small events
Design marketing materials
Give great gifts

7 Things I Can’t Do
Sing as well as I’d like
Play any sport well at all
Keep my tupperware cabinet organized
Run a mile
Keep a boyfriend (might have something to do with item #1 on this list?!?! Ya think?!?)

7 Things That Attract Me To The Opposite Sex
Dark hair
Sexy teethEyes
Shoulders (not too muscular, though)
Sense of humor that demonstrates intelligence over perversion

7 Things I Say Most Often
I’m sorry
I love you
I can do that
Are you kidding?
Absotively Posilutely

7 Celebrity Crushes(gotta say this a tough one, I’m not much for a celebrity, but I’ll do my best)
Jack on “Lost”
Matt Damon
Brad Pitt (in Fight Club)
Tom Brady
Tedy Bruschi
The dude on CNN that was covering the hurricane in Mobile, AL….
Tim McGraw

7 People I Wish To Tag


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