This N' That

There are so many things I want to say today. Bear with me on this one.

To my boss: I’d like to say, “SHOVE IT.” You made a horrible decision without even asking what staff thought and now we are the ones to take the full brunt of the issue. I am NOT on your side, I do NOT believe you acted professionally and to stoop to the level you have come to is to regress to Junior High status. Grow. The. Fuck. Up.

To the woman who called me today asking if I was still job hunting: YES!! Thank you. Thank you for remembering me after all this time. Thank you for your referral and your words of encouragement and support. This job may or may not be for me, but I appreciate the fact that you thought of me and went out of your way on my behalf.

To the man who has the position open: PLEASE DEAR GOD let it be a good position that would make a good career move for me. Do not treat me like a child. I can bring great experience and skill to your organization. Give me the chance to do so. I will give you the chance to be part of my career growth.

To Burger King: I say: “Picture menu available at window” on your drive-up menu is disturbing. If someone requires a picture menu because they cannot read, how can they read this helpful tidbit of information!?

To my dear friend Joe: I miss you. I’m sorry for being a stubborn, sensitive, girl. Truly.

To my Little Man: You are a joy. Thank you for a fantastic walk by the lake tonight. Thank you for laughing when you fell in the water and laughing even harder when I fell in. I can’t wait to see the pictures we took. Thank you for cooking dinner. What an incredible child you are. I will miss you this weekend. I hope you always know how much I love you.

To Gabe: Please stop eating things. Two throw pillows, two books and now a little pumpkin. (I only know he ate the pumpkin because he left the seeds and literally NOTHING else on the carpet). I love you. I walk you. I give you enormous amounts of attention and praise. Stop eating my things.

To my brother: I hope you are well. You are working 24/7 trying to get out of a hole you put yourself in. You will move to Atlanta perhaps as early as next week. I hope that it is nothing but positives for you. I hope that you grow roots and develop a career and find true happiness there.

To my sister: Tonight you reminded me of apples. Every year the bushels of Ida Red apples that I somehow get from Michigan to Pennsylvania. Thank you for remembering, for suggesting that perhaps you’ll travel this way this year. For allowing me to make jars and jars of applesauce again with Jacob from the best apples ever grown.

To Jimmy: Thank you for solving some of my quandaries. I appreciate finally understanding.

To Poka: Do you not have any tv at all? Amazing Race isn’t currently on cable it’s on network TV, so I’m hoping you were still able to see it. I won’t say a word about it though.

To W: I am a long shot from being Kate (from LOST). Maybe someday I’ll find the motivation to deal with the issues that stand in my way from losing weight. In the meantime, I’ll enjoy looking at Jack every week even if the plot is weak. (You can have Sawyer). But thanks for the sweet sentiment nonetheless. I needed it today.

To Miladysa: Can I move in? Ghosts or not, you have the most beautiful land around your home I could ever imagine. Enjoy it for me, if you would.

To Sarah (McLaughlin): Thank you for your music. Over and over the words strike me at soul-depth and shake me to my core. You speak to me, you move me. Today I listened to “Ice” a thousand times and I will never grow tired of it. You are talented beyond my comprehension. Thanks for sharing your gift.

To the Red Sox: WTF?!?!?! HELLO!?!? That’s all I can muster today.

To God: Thank you for all the blessings you gave to me today. Thank you for this incredible autumn day. For the scent of leaves in the woods. For the sound of water lapping at the lake’s edge. Thank you for my son, for my family, for my friends. Thank you for this day and all the days you have given to me. Help me to not take a single one for granted.


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