My Sanctuary

My bedroom is my sanctuary. Years ago, I heard the advice that your bedroom should be the most welcoming, comforting place in your home and I took heed. You didn’t need to tell me twice. I love lazy mornings in bed, I love reading before I sleep, and it’s the one place that both my kitties will come snuggle with me despite the fact that the beast lies just a few feet away. How could I NOT cherish this room?

The bed and dresser are antiques from my grandparents. They are truly beautiful. A quilt hangs on the rack Bear made for me (the rack, not the quilt), which hangs over my mom’s hope chest. A beautiful antique table sits under the window with my prized bell jar, a plant or two and of course, a lantern. The only think I think the room is lacking is a big oversized reading chair and ottoman, but that will come in time.

Today I sought to conquer the issue of curtains. I have blinds, thank goodness, as the neighbor’s window would otherwise look almost directly into mine, but I needed some simple touch to the window that would add to the room in a subtle, elegant manner.

My first attempt failed miserably. I recognize that I’m a visual person, but I can pick things out in a store that are beyond comprehension when I get them home.

My second attempt, however, was far more successful. I found curtains that have a subtle leaf pattern to them which matches my personality and decorating style just perfectly. I hung them just a tad too low, but not so much so that I’m going to move them (that would mean spackle and touch up paint which I just can’t bring myself to do).

As I walked into my room earlier to change into my jammies I felt such a sense of accomplishment and peace over something so simple as curtains. I suppose it’s just all that the room adds up to. Touches of my past mixed in with my hopes for the future. It demonstrates the distance I’ve come through in the last several years since my divorce. This is my room. This is my home. It is certainly my mortgage! I will sleep tight on this cool autumn night with my kitties curled up in the bed and Gabe snoring next to me on the floor. I will wake up in the morning and cherish the light of day coming through the shades. This is my room. This is my heaven. This is peace. My sanctuary.


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