
Things that I’d really love to understand if someone could explain them to me in such a way as to not make me feel completely stupid for asking in the first place.

1. How do they determine how far above sea level some place is?
2. How does a call come across my cell phone? I mean, how does that signal ONLY come to my phone, and how does it travel that fast? Why do I never pick up my phone to say, “No, I’m sorry, but I think you’ve accidentally reached the wrong phone.”
3. Why are operas performed in a foreign language?
4. Water towers. We pump water up, so gravity can pull it back down?
5. How much would it cost to feed all the hungry people just in America for one day, and how does that number compare to the price of a fighter jet?
6. Why is a dollar worth more or less on any given day in other countries?
7. How can the Egyptians build pyramids that have stood for thousands of years and we can’t build a levee system to withstand a hurricane?
8. How can weather-people be so INCREDIBLY wrong so much of the time?
9. How could we put men on the moon decades ago but it takes 3 years for Pixar to create a computer-animated film?
10. Why isn’t Sign Language a universal language?
11. How does bleach remove color from clothes?
12. How can the American Mastiff’s origins be in the “working dog” category when all mine does is sleep?
13. How do they know a nuclear bomb isn’t a dud?
14. Two words: Dry. Cleaning.
15. I get the general gist of a camera. I don’t get how it captures colors.

Anyone? I’m sure there are more, I’ll let ya know. Let me know what’s occupying those cells in the back of your brain that are so busy you can’t remember where you put your keys.


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