
I was trying to be discreet. I hadn't told anyone I could access my test results today. Jules suggested we all go out tonight and I came home with Birdy and George to let Eli out before we met up again at the restaurant. I thought I could just check really quickly online before we left for the restaurant.

Maybe it was my impatience while LM's computer booted that tipped Birdy off, but somehow she knew that whatever I was up to online was worth her quiet attention. She came and sat next to me. I was fairly certain the news wasn't going to be all good (three tests in one day, each progressively more difficult, it didn't stand to reason that I could make it through without having to retake any) so I was anxious about Birdy reading my bad news over my shoulder.

When she realized what website I was looking at she gasped. "Your teacher tests, Aunt Fred? This will tell us the results?!" I said shush, hoping George wouldn't overhear while I entered in my ID number and birthdate to access my records.

"What are you guys looking at?!" questioned George.

"Nothing," I answered, but not quite as fast as Birdy who said, "Aunt Fred's test results for her teacher tests!!"

Now there was no escaping announcing the bad news. There was no way George was keeping the secret from my sister.

The results were posted individually for each of the three tests. "Let's start with the one I was fairly confident on, okay? Let's look at the Basic Skills Test." I clicked on the results.

"You passed!" exclaimed Birdy.

"Whew. Well, there's one. Let's go look at the Elementary test next. I'm not so sure about this one, Birdy. It was hard." I clicked on the results.

"You passed!!!" exclaimed Birdy with even more enthusiasm. I breathed a sigh of relief. The last test was for my Middle School qualification. At least with the first two under my belt I was certified for Elementary regardless. Middle School was just a bonus.

"Okay, Birdy. Last one. I really doubt this one is going to be good news. I didn't have a clue what some of the questions were even asking me." I clicked.

"YOU PASSED!!!" Birdy was screaming at this point, and hugging me and kissing me and she was as excited outwardly as I was inwardly. I couldn't believe it. I was actually stunned. I passed all three. My certification was now official, not just temporary for the year.

As we ran out to the truck to join Bear and Jules, I reminded the kids this was my news to share. "Let me tell it," I asked. I needn't have wasted the breath. George barely had the door to the truck open before he was shouting, "AUNT FRED PASSED HER TEACHER TESTS!!"

I guess we are all just a little excited over here!


Katy said…
Congratulations! What a good day!
stacy said…
YaHoO! congrats, amy! although it is no surprise to me that you passed! you are brilliant. :o)
Anonymous said…
You might be smart enough to pass teaher tests, but there's a lesson for you. . .1st graders CANNOT keep a secret - even for 2 minutes!(ok, may be it's just MY 1st grader) LOL We are all so proud of you! Love ya! Jules
Jennifer said…
Yea!!! I'm so proud of you Aunt Fred :) Congratulations!!!! Wanna come home school my 3rd grader next year???
Mig said…
I am so EXCITED for you!!!!

Congratulations! May the job offers start pouring in.

Jen said…
Congratulations! So glad to hear the good news.
Katrina said…
Oh, yay! Congratulations, wonderful you! What exciting news (even if you didn't get to be the first to share!)
SlushTurtle said…
Woohoo!!! Congratulations!!!

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