7 Months and Light Years of Difference

LM: "Mom! I just had to call, because you needed to be the first person to witness this historic event! I lost a tooth! It just fell out! So, what's new with everything? How's your job? Any more problems with scheduling? What's new with Eli? Did you figure out how to replace the ink cartridge in the printer? I went to work with Grandpa today. I answered the phones and crossed off an old date on postcards for a mailing we are sending out next week. Grandpa even paid me! We went to the hardware store later and I spent my schillings on a new padlock! But not all my schillings, just some of them. Oh, and I found the $10 you hid in my Bible. It was in Luke. Well, guess that's about it. I'm going to go read before I go to bed. I'm almost done with the Tom Clancy novel you sent! Love ya! Bye!"

Little Bird: "Hey Aunt Fred! How are you? I got your package today! Thanks for the funky scarf knitting kit! I totally love it! I asked Papa if he could help me and he told me I had to read the directions and figure it out. Did I tell you that Papa took me shopping today? Well, we went to the store and I bought a new pair of capri pants. They are purple, no, I mean, they are gold, no, I mean, they are PINK, with a purple and gold glitter on the leg. The I bought another pair, but they aren't the same. They have stripes on them. And then I got my SECOND High School Musical t-shirt. Papa didn't know I already HAD a High School Musical shirt already! I wore it right in front of him the other day! "Papa, don't you remember? It's brown and gold and has that saying on the back?" Papa doesn't even remember it!! And I also got a new skirt, no, I mean, shorts, no, I mean, skirt. No! I mmmeeeaaannn SHORTS that have a butterfly on them. We almost bought another shirt but it was purple and it didn't really go with anything that I have so we didn't get it. After the store, Papa took me to a bookstore cause I had never been to a bookstore before. I didn't buy anything, but Papa bought a couple of books. Do you know what they had there, Aunt Fred? They have cd's and you can pick them out and then scan them at this place and then put on these headsets and you can listen to the music on the cd! Right there in the store!! It was reallllyyyyy coool!! But I didn't buy any. Have you seen the new Harry Potter movie? I went with Grandma and my friend Dakota. I haven't read any of the books. My mom said they were too long and would take too long for me to read. I want to know what happens in the last one, though. Is Jacob reading it? He reads books fast. Could you tell him when he knows who dies to email me and tell me cause I saw this interview with the author and she said that two of the main characters die and I think it's going to be Harry and Hermine! People at my dad's office thing it's going to be someone else but I don't think so. Did Jacob see the movie yet? Does he call you every day? I can only call my mom every other day. Today is an ODD day so I don't call my mom today. I'm going to go check my email and see if my mom sent me anything today. Tell Jacob to send me an email. You know what, Aunt Fred? I forgot to check my email for like two months and when I did I had so many emails that I couldn't open my email and my dad had to open it and clean it out for me so that I could get my emails again! I think I'm going to ask Papa if Dakota can come over tomorrow. We're having hamburgers on the grill tomorrow. Today we had to go to the dentist office for Papa this morning. The office was so cold so I went down to the parking lot and sat in the truck to wait for Papa where it was warmer. I was reading this book that I got at a book sale at my school before I left where it was buy two books get one free and I bought this one but it was so sad. It was about this girl, who has this dog. And she's staying at her Aunt's house and they live at a funeral home and so she's always around death and then her dog, it gets away and it gets hit by a car and her friend, he gets the dog and he goes and he buries it next to her aunt's grave at the cemetery, cause her aunt died, and her uncle died and then her dog died and it was so sad, but I finished it today. Oh, you need to go eat some dinner? Well, okay, I will talk to you soon. Love ya, Aunt Fred! Bye"

I'm not sure today, which one I miss more.


Anonymous said…
Never been in a bookstore????? Who is raising that child anyway??? Now I know why she told the the scarf would have to be an "at home" project. . because she didn't want to read the directions and figure it out herself. LOL What a twosome she and Papa are. Oh yes, welcome to the difference in girls and boys!
Jules in MI
Hillary said…
Just the sheer volume and force of little birds words makes me crack up! It's SOOO true what they say about the differences between the male and female daily word requirement! :)

You get your LM back soon, don't you?
Anonymous said…
I can completely hear both of those spiels in my head.

Kids just love everything.
Newlywife said…
And this is why I think a boy might be easier to have first...
Jules said…
LOL. I have two girls, so I know just what that sounds like. That girl needs to be bought some Harry Potter books, stat! Or at least taken to the bookstore more often. She is so funny with the, "...a new skirt, no, I mean, shorts, no, I mean, skirt. No! I mmmeeeaaannn SHORTS..." I laughed my head off at that part!
Mig said…
Oh my gosh. It's all so sweet.

You must miss LM terribly. How long before his return?
Lisa said…
LOL! I needed this today, Amy. Thanks for sharing. :)

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