
The similarities are not lost on me. A history of tragedy ill-defined for most. Mementos from the past safeguarded against viewing, emotions tucked away, left perhaps undealt with. Never truly attached, although his heart has belonged to many – he gives it away for a wink, hopeful and trusting and takes the pieces back in with a familiar routine, chastising himself for foolish infatuation yet always hopeful that one day will be the right day. Never ruling out the option of star-crossed lives, of destiny and true love he defines the optimistic romantic.

Smart, self-educated by a hands-on approach to life he reads, listens, talks, discusses, travels, dares and dreams. Although he’ll quickly beg off the word “fluent” he speaks a handful of languages better than most and can turn words into picturesque visions on the page.

His self-deprecating humor comes honestly enough. He’s aware of his talents and his shortcomings and accepts both with the same tip of the glass and moves on. He is always invited and rarely declines. His friends find him to be honest, funny and generous. He is a friend to many, allowing anyone and everyone to be their most human in his company, but he has allowed few in to the depths of his quixotic heart. His career and his social life are full of people, gatherings and parties and yet he has perhaps never felt more alone. Finding people to share a drink with is easy, finding someone to wake up with for the next 50 years has proved more of a challenge.

His eyes watch the horizon looking for a reason from any direction to move, for his life to finally be uprooted for all the right and provocative reasons. He is divided on whether to go it alone or stay the course. I have no right, of course, to offer up advice or direction, but to this man, to a body so full of talent, compassion and romance, I dare say that in the place where his heart leaps, where the setting is one of choice reached through determination and will, at the very spot where he might breathe the air of truth and freedom, he might just be found. And the elusive, mysterious love that has escaped him thus far, it might then be able to find him, too.

Forgive me, Ghoti, my perceptions.


Jules said…
You are so poetic. It's just beautiful.

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