And To Think She Called ME!

Call me a slow learner.

My sister called tonight. We hadn’t talked all weekend and she wanted to chit chat and catch up.

Exactly two minutes into the conversation she starts talking to Bear. Apparently he has lost his cell phone. So, my sister picks up the house phone and starts dialing his cell number so they can listen to it ring. But they don’t hear it. So then she has to call her friend that they went to dinner with tonight to see if it’s at her house and ringing. But it’s not. So this whole time she back and forth with me on the phone, “Sorry, I’ll be right there….I’m so sorry…” Bear decides maybe the phone is outside since he was working on the wood pile today. So she goes back to dialing and dialing and dialing. And then she’s yelling at him through the windows because he’s flashing the light at her and she doesn’t know if that means he found it or what. I say, “I think if he found it, he’d answer it.” Just a thought. After much yelling back and forth to tell her to keep dialing, he finds it. In the leaves. Which he nearly wiped out on cause they’re slick and all.
And silly me, I thought we were back to our conversation after this 15 minute intermission.

But I was wrong. Remember, despite my four point in college, I’m a Slow. Learner. The oven timer goes off and she needs to get the nuts out of the oven. She’s in charge of snacks for Little Bird’s class tomorrow, so she makes these yummy nut things. And then she starts yelling at George because he wants a cookie, but she’s in the middle of taking hot stuff out of the oven. And then she explodes the sauce in the microwave and it goes all over the place. George still wants a cookie and she screams that she’ll be with him in FIVE minutes.

We try to have a conversation. I try to introduce a couple of things from my life to her. (With an eldest sister, I’ve found it’s best to ease into the ‘big’ ticket items in your life. She’ll come around to the concept easier that way.) But I can’t even spit three words out and we’re interrupted, so here I am trying to say something significant like…”So, Jules, there’s this guy that wants me to move to Aruba…” and she’s not even hearing me. Ugh.

She asks, after all of this, if she can call me right back. George is hysterical and she can’t find Bear. Sure, why not, call me right back. I’m SURE it will be better then.

She calls back, talks to me for about three minutes to finish up the story of my Saturday night (worthy of a blog in and of itself), she tells about how they went to three different Lowe’s to find Christmas candles for their windows and put them all together only to discover she doesn’t like them and now she has to take them all apart and return them. And her friend calls to find out if they ever found the phone. And then she has to go. Little Bird’s hair isn’t dry and George needs to be rocked and she’s got her hands full…..

Ah, yes, always nice catching up with Jules…


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