With Age Comes....

Once upon a time...I wrote a post about my supersonic hearing but I can't find it now. Perhaps it didn't make the move from my previous blog.


It was not ready to face the demise of my only super power, but LM informed me that he could, indeed hear what I could not.

Can you hear this?


(It's the new ring tone kids are downloading that their teachers can't hear.)

I'll post more later, I'm trying to learn how to become invisible...


Jules said…
I can hear it, well, maybe not so much hear as much as "causes a ringing in my ears". Much like how your ears ring after standing too close to a speaker. Really, I turned the volume up thinking I was missing something, and it almost hurt! Too weird, what will the kids think of next?
Anonymous said…
I saw this on the news this morning and thought "Wow, I am old." I couldn't believe I couldn't hear it either.

shayze said…
It just sounds like a high pitched squeal to me.
Amy said…
yep. The high frequency can't be heard by "older" ears (mainly meaning people older than 30). I can hear it just at the beginning, but very quietly. LM can hear it loud and clear but he's 10 after all!
Shari said…
I can hear it! I can hear it!

(dancing like a youngster...)
Newlywife said…
Okay, I started freaking out because I can't hear it. O MY GOD, I CAN'T HEAR YOUNG PEOPLE SOUNDS.


Just as I was pondering whether or not the not hearing young people sounds means I should stop watching MTV, my husband turned on the speakers of the computer, and I heard it.

I think. Or maybe I just willed myself to hear something, anything...HEAR DAMMIT! HEAR! I can't spend the rest of my life not knowing what happened on the Fresh Meat RW/RR Challenge!
Newlywife said…
Okay, I may have just had a meltdown over this. I apologize for the outburst. Lately I have been getting sensitive about my age....

P.S. I don't think I can hear it...
Amy said…
It's okay newly, I can barely make it out. It's a very high pitch whine that would drive you crazy anyway. And I'm trying (desperately) to look at the bright side and think of all the nonsense that I won't hear and won't have to react to as I get older!! (Like, um, this sucking sound that LM makes with his expander right now....)
Katrina said…
Is this like that bell that rings in the Polar Express? That bell of saucy condemnation and old-fogey-ness?

I hate that bell.

Oh, wait, I can hear the ringtone!

It's not me! I'm young, I'm young!

There must be something wrong with the bell.
Unknown said…
not so sure i liked it but i heard it loud and clear! take that, upcoming 30th birthday!

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