The Way He Works

I have never taught elementary school in Iowa. Upon graduating from a private college in Illinois, I completed a frivolous touchy-feely human relations course that I despised in order to qualify for the reciprocal certification with the state of Iowa. I substitute taught for two years within both Illinois and Iowa (the advantages of living on the border!) yet I never had reason to call upon my certification or in effect to utilize the benefits of having endured this psychology-based class that lacked curriculum and purpose in my mind. The class, however, was not a requirement in my life so that I might receive temporary certification in a state I would soon leave. The class was God’s way of introducing me to Stacy.

I could write about Stacy for days and still not fully list the ways that she has touched my life. She led me to a church I could call home when I was first married. She so willingly shared her life story with me that I could confidently share my own fears and struggles without judgment or fear of reproach. She was a fount of practical advice and inspiration when I had my son just months after she had hers. She showed me a view of God that was more personal, more tangible, more known that I had ever believed. Stacy has always listened to my struggles and my prayers and has a fresh perspective that shows me the underlying blessings, the silver linings I am sometimes unable to see. I remember once talking about how it seemed like my husband and I would just get our hands on a bit of “extra” money and the car would need a repair, or the baby needed something, or we were traveling again…she immediately praised God, thanking Him for providing us with the cash we needed just ahead of when we needed it each and every time. I have never forgotten her perspective.

I visited Stacy once since my move to Pennsylvania but I believe our friendship is even stronger today than it was back then. I have always known that she is there for me, no matter what I could ever need. God has truly given me a tremendous gift in Stacy!

She recently sent me a book, “Some Wildflower in My Heart” by Jamie Langston Turner, which I just finished tonight. The entire time that I was reading this book, about a woman who was brought back to God through the love of a friend, I thought of Stacy. I would not have the relationship with God that I do today if not for the example Stacy continues to provide for me.

I know that His purpose for Stacy is far greater than simply to touch my heart, but I also know that He recognizes this as no small feat, either. There are days when I feel incredibly alone that a simple email or a book in the mail will arrive from Stacy and I know it is His doing, His hand in our friendship, that leads me home time and time again. Had I known, 13 years ago just exactly what sort of "human relations" would come from that class, I might not have attended so grudgingly! I am learning to trust in His plan!

I am so grateful for this gift. This book, the wooden chair, the emails, the laughter, the shared sorrows and struggles, for all that is our friendship, Stacy. I am so touched by you each and every day. I have so much to learn from your example, and so many blessings have come from your prayers for me. Thank you for this gift. I will always thank God for you.


Jules said…
!!!((((Big Hugs))))!!!
That was beautiful and so true!
Newlywife said…
You are blessed indeed. Those of us lucky enough to have a "Stacy" in our lives are infinitely grateful!
Anonymous said…
friends like stacy are truly sent from god. very rare, indeed....

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