Happiness Is...

Having enough quarters to do all the laundry.

Balancing the checkbook post-vacation and not crying.

Taking advantage of a lack of sub jobs by going for a walk with the dog.

Not needing so much as a sweatshirt on the walk.

Having the patio door open all day.

Watching the cat attack leaves on the patio through the patio door.

Fresh berries for lunch.

Calling to clarify the requirement rules after receiving notice that LM did not qualify for the gifted program only to learn that he actually did, they just sent out the wrong letter. (He qualifies for English, but not quite for Math. Now to just figure out how he's going to GET to the program at 1:30 in the afternoon every Tuesday...)

Having a good friend lend an ear when you need it most.

Steam Fresh veggie bags. OOh the simplicity!

Doing the right thing, even when it's very very hard.

Actually having something thawed for dinner.

Watching the Cheerios box be tossed into the recycling 5 days before grocery day, knowing that you still have 4 boxes of Jiffy mix muffins to carry you through.

Finding a charity that welcomes your 12 year old son as well as yourself.

A day filled with sunshine. Lots and lots of sunshine.


Mig said…
I'm really glad today was a good day for you!

Can you spread the cheer over here? 3000 miles away?

stacy said…
amy, have i ever told you that i love your outlook on life? well, i do.

happiness is...reading eliza jane's blog. :o)
Jennifer said…
Amen! May your day be filled with more reasons to be thankful, and may you continue to be blessed :)

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