Father God

Sometimes, God, I lose my way. I think I can make good choices on my own; I forget that I am but human, with a sinful and fallible nature. My confidence, at times, exceeds my abilities. There are times, Father, when I know the decision I make may not be significant on myself and those around me. At other times, like today, Father, when I fear I have once again allowed myself the delusion that I can not only handle things on my own but I attempt to in such confidence that it may be of detriment to those around me.

Father God, you know that several weeks ago I voluntarily suggested that I not only drive LM to Tennessee to meet up with his dad for a few days of vacation, but that I also take along Bird and George so that we all might visit Papa and G'ma Judy while we are in the area. Father, as the only adult, the only driver on an eleven hour journey, as the owner of a sedan without a DVD player attached to the roof, as the woman who wants to remain the fun aunt and not "the woman who tried to sell us at an ebay store in Cincinatti", all I can say is:


Help us, God. Help us all.



Jen said…
ELEVEN hours!! I thought the hour and a half to Chuck E. Cheese's was a long time last week! :)

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