All That's Good

Today, at my new job, the office manager handed me a list she had been working on of things she thought I needed for my office. The list was maybe 10 items long. It came along with three office supply catalogs with corresponding pages tabbed. I looked down the list and was stunned at some of the things she had jotted down. I have a desk in my office, a standard, L-shaped office desk. I have a computer. A fast, nice, fancy computer. I have a phone with multiple lines and all kinds of buttons that aren’t labeled. I even have a set of shelves, with nothing on them. What more could I need? Well, she thinks I need a computer workstation, for starters. A computer on my desk is NOT the right height ergonomically. Oooookay. AND I’ll need another desk chair, apparently. One is not enough. People will be coming into my office and sitting down. They will need a chair. But there’s that conference room-type chair over there – I said. No, no no. That will never do. She led me down the hall and had me sit in some guy’s chair. Don’t you love that one? Well, yes, it’s nice… well then, that settles it, we’ll order that one. And how about a filing cabinet? Lateral or drawer style? Um, do I have things to file?! Um, no, not really…. Then can we pass on that? Well, for nooooowwwww….but you’ll definitely need a shredder. Everyone has one. Everyone has their OWN shredder? Why, of course! And a bulletin board, and a floor lap (fluorescent lighting is horrible on your eyes!) and on and on it went. At the end of the day, I think my list of “needs” as determined not only by the office manager, but also by several people on staff, totaled somewhere around $500. Holy cripes! I wasn’t even allowed to ask for a stapler before!!

I spent the latter part of my afternoon installing and watching the tutorial on Adobe Creative Suite 2. SO COOL!!! I’m certain I can’t quite afford this on my own just yet, but dang could I seriously make cool publications for people with this product!

The people at my job are so nice, many have stopped in just to say hi and introduce themselves. The benefits are incredible. Salary is the best I’ve had yet. They have made me feel so welcome, and made me understand that they want me there for a long time and are willing to provide me with the sort of workplace that will keep me there for years. I’m so glad I was given this opportunity!!

I drove home in the rain, noticing it wasn’t quite as dark at 5 as it had been just a couple weeks ago. Gabe was thrilled to see me as always, and his excitement always makes coming home such a fun time of day. There was a letter from my grandma in the mail and a notice that an account I closed had a credit balance of a few hundred dollars on it that they will be sending to me within 30 days. LM’s package arrived from Amazon, the cd and books he ordered with a Christmas gift card. I put some laundry in, took my favorite warm snuggly clothes out of the dryer and put them on, still a little warm. I ate some leftovers for dinner that took less than 5 minutes to prepare. And now I’ve plopped myself on the couch, gearing up for Penn State football tonight. I have a new book by Virginia Woolf on my coffee table to read, my favorite candles (pomagranate) burning and my new soft, down throw over my lap while I wait for the game.

Tell me, how can life get any better than this?


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