When Nothing Yet Everything Happens
A day in court. Friends, neighbors, relatives, police officers, teachers subpoenaed and yet never called to testify. Thousands spent. A day spent looking at the crocodile tears of his ex-wife and witnessing the drama only she can produce. And what came of it? A trial date. No mediation, no compromise will happen here. The case will have to go to trial. A wasted day.
And yet not.
For all my worries that getting involved now was a horrible idea. For all my concern that he needs time to mourn, to learn, to accept, to appreciate, he taught me more today than he could have otherwise.
He was commended by many for his calm demeanor. For his gentle approach to an unyielding ex. For his patience. For his generosity in the face of greed and selfishness. He spent a day in the middle of the battle field and proved himself the worthy victor despite a lack of a true, resolved outcome.
He will stand before this same mediator on an upcoming day and will have little to prove. He has already demonstrated his true character to everyone present.
And even to the one who began the process with so much doubt.
This boy is more than I was prepared for him to be. And everything I had hoped to find. I can only hope he feels the same about me.
And yet not.
For all my worries that getting involved now was a horrible idea. For all my concern that he needs time to mourn, to learn, to accept, to appreciate, he taught me more today than he could have otherwise.
He was commended by many for his calm demeanor. For his gentle approach to an unyielding ex. For his patience. For his generosity in the face of greed and selfishness. He spent a day in the middle of the battle field and proved himself the worthy victor despite a lack of a true, resolved outcome.
He will stand before this same mediator on an upcoming day and will have little to prove. He has already demonstrated his true character to everyone present.
And even to the one who began the process with so much doubt.
This boy is more than I was prepared for him to be. And everything I had hoped to find. I can only hope he feels the same about me.
I'm still praying for him, for the kids, for you, and for her. Grace and peace, my friend!