
Happy birthday, Trudy Bear!!

Our snow-loving...

...snow EATING...


...door watching...

...cow checking...

...dirt digging...

...pillow stealing...

...EVERYTHING stealing puppy!! 
We can't believe you are already one!  You have come so far in the past year!
Those nasty sharp puppy teeth are gone!
You only jump (and sometimes still piddle) when new people come to visit
(a very warm, wet, welcome!)
You have mastered the dog door and use it frequently to carry contraband items outside to bury!
You love to sleep on the bed - upside down, spread eagle, right down the middle!
You and Charlotte have started to forge quite a friendship!  It won't be long before you two are snuggling up together to keep warm!

My favorite part about you, though, is how much you love to snuggle! 
You have no idea how big you are and you truly think you are a lap dog!

We love you, Trudy!


Second Mom said…
What a beautiful young girl!

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