Asked and Answered

It's so funny (not in a ha-ha sort of way) that just this weekend this person was sooo annoying me and tonight, in my "One Month to Live" book, I read a chapter all about the "sandpaper people" in our life. You know the kind, the ones who just rub you the wrong way? The ones that just annoy and frustrated and irritate you? The ones who want to argue with you on why you should be friends? Yeah, sandpaper people.

Well, this person is definitely a sandpaper person in my life. Wasn't always the case, but has certainly become it. But this chapter reminded me that God puts these people in our lives for a reason! This isn't just some earthly irritation, but it has a godly purpose! God wants these people to help refine us to become more like Christ. He puts them there to sometimes push us back towards God, or to remember who we should really turn to and listen to. He has intents and purposes for these people to help make us BETTER!

I don't mean that we will suddenly see these people as not so annoying, or that we'll stop being frustrated or irritated by them, these authors suggest that it is the fact that they do rub us the wrong way that is the affect God intends. He's not suggesting that we make nice with everyone we meet, but that we recognize these people as having a purpose. God uses these people to make us stronger and steadier in our faith. They help us to grow.

For example, when we have someone in our life that just force their ideas on us, God might be using them to make us strong enough to stand up for ourselves. Maybe we know someone who is always telling us we don't measure up. Maybe God wants to remind us we need to be looking to Him for approval and not this person. When we find ourselves irritated, aggitated or angry, He is reminding us that we need to stay humble and rely on God.

I was also reminded that I AM a "sandpaper person" to people. (Probably to the one that's currently aggitating me, in fact!) And that I need to remember that what God wants from me is for me to be constantly revealing Him. To demonstrate patience, mercy and love. I'm certain, with this person in particular, that they would not say I have demonstrated any of the above (even when that has been exactly my intent) and so that's a challenge for me. That while I'm not called by God to like everyone, I'm called to demonstrate His love to everyone. And so while God is not saying I have to like this person at all, He is asking me to act in a loving way towards this person.

It's amazing to me how God speaks to me. As I sit and pray about how to handle this sandpaper person in my life, He hands me this information and as clear as day I know He is answering my questions!


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