I Remember

My second mom heard my angst over not having my baby photos to pour over and sent me a couple of them today via email.

I just can't believe how fast eleven years have gone by (or how skinny my arms used to be - and that was at the time when my arms were the fattest they had ever been!!)

I'm not sure which surprises me more about this photo - how much older LM is now, or how much younger my brother was then!!

LM (only two or three days old) and his Papa.


Jules said…
Awww! I love baby pics! That is so sweet... there is just nothing like a wee little sleeping baby...
jenny said…
So precious :). He looks like a baby version of his eleven year old self in that last one...too cute!
Mig said…
Those pictures are so sweet!!!

Its amazing, when you look back, at how young everyone was.

Give that LM a great big hug.
Katrina said…
Awww! Awesome photos! And look at you--little more than a kid yourself! Weren't we all so young at the beginning? It feels like another life. :)

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