Nature v. Nurture

In the ongoing debate over nature v. nurture, the discussion ensues on whether a career chooses a child or a child chooses a career. In this case, I think it is evident that plumbing will be the chosen profession for this child.

(I took this shot during a competitive round of mini-golf (is there any other kind?) with my fam on Friday night in town. This child was walking around like this, with his mother right behind him.)


Jennifer said…
Ummm...Gross! Who gave that woman her mothering license???
Jen said…
If this is true, I have a bunch of little girls in my kindergarten class who are future plumbers as well. Or maybe it's just the style of pants they make for them now.
Katrina said…
Occasionally, I notice that Katie's clothes are in disarray (for instance, she's so skinny it's hard to keep her pants up, and she never notices if her skirt is tucked into her undies, etc.) and wonder how long she's been like! I would not be surprised to see a similar photo of her online somewhere! :D

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