Why I'm Not Blogging Tonight

So I was going to write something incredibly profound tonight, I really was, but:

1. my new glasses aren’t working right and I can no longer see the computer screen.
2. my sister called and sucked all my intelligence out by asking me to do math.
3. It’s Fat Tuesday (Mardi Gras) and for the last four years at my former job, I’ve had to attend a business networking event, so tonight I’ve celebrated my freedom by indulging in a margarita, greatly impairing my ability to type.
4. We’ve been shutting Gabe out of the living room each day (by blocking the hallway with his dog bowl stand) and he’s now giving me his sad brown eyes begging for attention
5. AMAZING RACE 9 PREMIERES TONIGHT!!! (Geeesh, you didn’t think I was going to miss that, did you? Poka Bean, wherever you are, I hope you’re catching tonight’s show, too!)


Anonymous said…
We're trying to keep our dog out of the house, but like Mormons on bikes he just keeps a-knockin' at our door and won't take "no" for an answer!

– Texas T-bone
Newlywife said…
I knew I loved you for a reason! I LOVE the Amazing Race...we TiVo'd it, so don't tell me how it ends...
I'm rooting for the nerd couple.
Down with Ken & Barbie!

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