Hit 'Em Where It Hurts

My grounded, privilege-revoked, comic-book-confiscated, chore-added, no-movie-night, threatened-within-an-inch-of-his-life child has shown remorse for his actions on Tuesday but has not seemed at all phased by his punishment until last night when he said, “so this means I don’t get to watch Survivor?”

I can take away his friends, PS2, computer, comics, Movie Night and even his Star Wars books but the thing that hurt the most? Not watching “Survivor”.

(The Good Cop in me set the DVR so he can watch the episode next week)


Katrina said…
Hah! I love the Good Cop comment. You softie!
Newlywife said…
Perhaps sending him on the show survivor will teach him the appropriate lesson!

I agree with Katrina...you are a softie, but in a good way!
Wendy said…
Wow! Too funny (well, you know what I mean.) I punished my daughter once, can't remember what for, but nothing seemed to phase her, until I told her she could not 'draw' that night. Good Lord - you'd think I'd cut her arms off. I felt so so bad ... but I stood my ground and didn't cave. I never again punished by taking away her drawing ... crayons and paper are always at hand.
Anonymous said…
The Bad Cop would make him watch the rest of the season first.

I'm a fan of Survivor, but I haven't really gotten into this season that much. Maybe now that Dancing With The Stars is over, I can really focus.

– Texas T-bone

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