
Things I'm thankful for this holiday:

1. I had NOTHING to do with getting the innards out of the bird. Ew Yuck Ew Yuck.
2. I wasn't the one who tried to carve a turkey that was upside down at first. (It fit better in the slow cooker that way apparently.)

3. That I didn't have to be responsible for getting everything hot at the same time. I was in charge of appetizers and dinner rolls. Easy Peasey.

4. That my sister and Bear didn't call the insane asylum or laugh out loud (in my presence) when I was out in the rain the day before picking up leaves with the intent of making place cards with them for the holiday dinner.

5. That Squirt decided he was in charge of cleaning up the table after dinner.

6. and 7. Pies.
Pumpkin and Apple. With whipped cream and ice cream to boot.

8. Knowing that LM was having a wonderful time with his dad and his family in Pittsburgh.
9. Spending the day with family.
10. Not having to drive 11 hours to get back home.


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