How It Comes Together

I've talked about my move and how all the pieces just fell into place at the perfect time to make it happen. I've talked about how perfect it was that I held a teaching degree and that I feel so comfortable in the classroom because if I weren't substitute teaching, we'd be starving and living in my car. I've talked about how just putting my faith in God's plan for my life has truly made all the difference.

And yet, I still have my moments when I panic. (What can I say, I'm a slow learner.)

I can still hear my ex mother-in-law telling me years and years ago to never let my teaching certificate expire (she had made that mistake and had kicked herself for years over it.) And for years I kept up with it. But trying to remember exactly what year your teaching certificate needs to be renewed and then remembering to do so after June 30th but before July 31st of that year (by sending it back to Illinois to the regional office you were once affiliated with) somehow slipped my mind in '05. And my Illinois teaching certificate expired two years ago. Which didn't matter until recently when my heart started to skip a beat at the idea of teaching on a more permanent basis.

Especially a week ago. When I subbed in my sister's school district - which I love - and the very pregnant teacher I subbed for asked after she watched me manage her class for the day (she was right outside the door doing assessments with the kids) if I'd be interested in her maternity leave long-term sub position. YES YES YES. But she was concerned about my certification. Because her principal is actually selecting the sub and she wants someone certified. Which I am, or I was, and I will be again, but...

And today, the substitute caller for her district spoke with me and said the principal had asked her about my certification (which means the teacher did indeed recommend me to her principal, who is now considering me for the position) and I tried to explain but this woman said, 'but you'll have it soon?' and I had to say I really didn't think 'soon' was the right word, exactly...

But it had occurred to me (which is my way of saying God worked through me to make me realize) that perhaps I should contact the state of Illinois and find out what the requirements would be to get my license renewed again because perhaps that might make it easier for the state of Michigan to then certify me. It was a shot, anyway, and so I sent off an email asking. And a reply came back today that said that all I needed to do was register it. And I was provided with an online link to register my certificate. And I clicked and typed and clicked and typed and entered in my debit card info and $25 and ten minutes later, I hold verifiable proof that I am registered and renewed in the state of Illinois.

One further in my celebratory dance, I reviewed the information I have ready to go to the state of Michigan (I'm just waiting my official transcripts) and it says, "Candidates for the Provisional certificate must pass the appropriate Michigan Test for Teacher Certification (MTTC). However, if the applicant holds a valid out-of-state certificate and meets all requirements for the Michigan Provisional certificate except for the MTTC, a 1-year Temporary Teacher Employment Authorization will automatically be issued as part of the application process."

Now, I still have to wait to see if I meet all the requirements. And I still have to put together my information to give to the school principal on Friday. And I still have to pray that out of all the candidates, she chooses me.

But if all that comes together, I could have a long-term sub position very very soon, and hopefully get my foot in the door in a very big way with the principal and teachers of a building and district I would be ever-so-happy to teach in on a permanent basis.

If it doesn't come together, I know without a doubt that God has something better in store for me. But at least right now, tonight, I can rest assured that I am so much closer to having that teaching certificate than I ever thought I could be right now.

God is soooooo good to me! (to you, too!)


Mig said…
That is so AWESOME!!!!!!!

I hope it all works out for you, I just know it will. I have FAITH!

Katrina said…
Oh, wow, am I praying for you right now! What an exciting possibility--when you first started writing about teaching, something just seemed to click into place. I really hope this is the open window you've been waiting for! *hugs!*
jenny said…
WOW! what excellent news! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
Jennifer said…
I've crossed everything I can cross and am praying for God's perfect will in this situation :)
Newlywife said…
Ditto that entire post. It is so true. Doesn't it always work out? The plan God has for you is so much better than the one you could have cooked up for yourself!

Plus, I always thought you would be such an amazing teacher...
We used to say it like this, "God is good and his mercy endures forever."

Sarah Louise said…
Smiling over here in Pittsburgh. God does have a good plan for you.
Jen said…
How exciting! And yes, He is soooo good.

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