The Gift Giver

I've talked about taking LM Christmas shopping before. This year, my sister and Bear both offered to take LM shopping so he could buy something for me without my knowledge at all. Unfortunately we just weren't able to get that squeezed in to our schedules so I took LM out this Saturday to finish his shopping before the crowds and stores got beyond bearable for me (they are already near that point).

LM and I had already talked about Christmas gifts. We knew what we wanted to buy for his dad's side of the family and had just a couple of those gifts left to get. LM had his wallet with his saved money and a few additional dollars from Mom to buy a gift for her.

Instead of tagging along in the stores and being there to pay at the counter, this year he was on his own. I asked where he wanted to go ("Lowes") and I drove. And I waited in the parking lot while he went in to choose and to buy. And when he came out empty handed (whew!) we headed out to another store, one full of unique craft items. Again, he headed in alone and I waited in the parking lot. I was instructed to "pop the trunk" when he came out so I wouldn't even see the bag (he knows how much I enjoy the surprise of a gift!) This time he came out with a bag, although I quickly covered my eyes so I wouldn't see too much and when he got in the car he proclaimed, "Mom, I don't know how you don't OWN that store," after seeing all the options he knew I would love inside.

Even later, in Target, he thought of something he'd like to get and told me he'd meet me at the car.

Today, he spent four hours wrapping seven gifts. He had music on and was hiding behind a closed bedroom door lest I see. (Not all seven were for me and I knew what all of those were, but he was still hiding while he wrapped.) He came out at one point with a tiny little package. He laughed and waved it in front of me and said, "You'll never guess what this is!" Proud of himself for the choice and the secret wrapping.

I wonder what the store clerks thought of this boy wandering around looking carefully at various items. Did they worry because he was unaccompanied? Did they think he would steal something? And what did they think when he approached the counter with an item and pulled out his wallet to pay? I wonder what was going through LM's mind during the four hour wrapping event. Did he smile thinking about the recipient opening his gift? Did he worry if they will like it or if he should have chosen differently?

I hope the store clerks and all LM's recipients, like me, realize the milestone my son just surpassed. He is now officially his own shopper. He did it all on his own. I hope someday LM's wife tells me what a great gift giver he is. I'll just laugh and smile and say, "I know."


Jennifer said…
Then you can gloat and remark, "He learned from the Pro!" :) Hope this Christmas is full of wonderful surprises and more milestones!!!

Sans kiddos, Michael & I finished our Christmas shopping today - well, all except 2 gifts, but I already know what to get; we just ran out of time; grandma was beginning to feel frazzled by the 3 whiny children we left with her today! So, I'll be running out one evening this week to get those last 2 gifts.

I hate wrapping, but started the undertaking tonight...we'll see how long it takes me, since I'm the only wrapper in the house!
Katrina said…
How wonderful! Could he stop by here and wrap my presents, too, since he's getting so good at it? :D

That's quite a young man you're raising there. Be sure and let us know what he got you!
Mig said…
That is AWESOME!!!! You are shaping him into a well rounded guy. His future Mrs. is going to be so LUCKY!!!!!
Anonymous said…
I bet the store clerks just melt when he comes up to the register...I know that I would!

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