The Box

Yesterday LM called me on my way home from school. "A box came today, Mom. I don't know who it's from or what it's for." He spelled the last name to me, never pausing long enough for me to say I know who it's from. He read the city and state that it came from and started to tell me how big the box was and that it wasn't heavy but wasn't light either.

"LM." I said, waiting for him to stop and take a breath.

"I know who the box is from."

(While he had been rambling incessantly I had actually thought of shouting, "It's a bomb, get out of the house!" as a joke until I thought better knowing he might actually believe me and while playing jokes on my kid is funny, scaring the crud out of them isn't. Well, it isn't most of the time. Well, it isn't some of the time. Well...)

The box needent have contained a thing. It meant the world to me to just know that a friend, a very dear new friend thought of me and wanted to send me something. But inside were two packages, one for the boy and one that I know to be homemade although I don't know what it is. Both went ceremoniously under my tree to await Christmas Day. There were two tins of cookies which were immediately opened and went ceremoniously down my throat (okay, I waited until after dinner and I didn't eat all of them, but still, they were delish!) And there were cranberries. Which are meaningful in their own special way.

As I sit here tonight, I am delighted to have little bits and pieces of things (not literally pieces of things) to send back in the direction this box came, I am delighted more by this friendship than I have words for. Mig, you are my kindred spirit. You bring joy into my life every single day. I am so glad that distance and space aren't challenges to this friendship and I thank God that he brought you into my life this year.

I wish all of you a sweet box full of friendship this holiday season.


Jennifer said…
I think scaring the crud of out him would have been fun...had it been my kid :) Well, fun for me, maybe not so much for him...but I'm the one that counts since I'm the mommy :)
Mig said…
Merry Christmas Amy!

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