One More Day

It's been a long week. Long long days at work, coming home to a puppy who wants to play when I just want to sleep. Wondering how I'm going to get up and go again the next day when I'm so drained from the one I just had. Dealing with craziness in the work place on a daily basis - things I never would have dreamt I'd deal with ever. There was only one thing I looked forward to more than my Thursday night call to my boy - picking him up on Friday after six long weeks away.

When I called, my ex mil answered the phone (the "outlaws" as I call them). She said she had just been talking with my ex. I could tell from her voice that something not so good was about to follow. It seems that somehow there was confusion about when we were doing the swap and she thought we were doing it on Saturday, not Friday. My eyes welled up immediately, and I fought back the tremors in my voice. I said I would just come all the way to Pittsburgh, then, an irrational response, but the only one I could deal with. If she couldn't meet me part way on Friday, I'd come all the way instead of waiting one more day. As we talked, I finally realized that was insane. I realized I was being irrational and said we'd just meet on Friday. I knew she felt badly. I knew she understood. She wasn't doing this intentionally, but her plans prohibited her from leaving tomorrow morning. We finally agreed to meet earlier on Saturday (instead of for lunch) and she put LM on the phone.

He had been watching a movie and started telling me all about it. It gave me time to gather my senses and stop the tears and realize I could do this. We talked about the bunny that had been left at work. He talked about why it made sense to him that someone might leave it at the Y. "Let's say that someone got a bunny. And went to the pet store and bought bedding, and a cage and food and all the things that bunnies need. And then, a couple years go by, and something happens and they don't have as much money. Maybe they have some bad debts. Maybe they have a gambling problem. I don't know, but for some reason, they just can't provide for the bunny anymore. So they try to think. They want to think of a place where there might be people that might want a bunny. They try to think of a place where someone might have the means to provide a good home for the bunny. And they think of the Y." It was just so cute (gambling problems?) that I laughed and I felt better and I knew that one more day wasn't going to kill me.

So we finally decided to get off the phone and we said our goodnights and as I just about hung up, he said, "Hang on, Mom. Nana wants to talk with you again."

And Nana said she had thought about it and she could surely get everything done tomorrow morning and could meet me part way tomorrow afternoon.

And I had to get off the phone so I could cry. Tears of joy this time. Tears of joy.

Within 15 hours I will hold my Little Man in my arms once again.


SlushTurtle said…
Hooray for Nana! I'm so happy you don't have to wait one more day. I can't imagine going that without my boys!
Lisa said…
Ooh, I kind of got weepy reading the end of that, Amy. I love the "gambling problems" BTW! Have fun with your LM.
Jennifer said…
Maybe the bunny in question is the brother or sister of the bunny we purchased about 7 years ago! Maybe the bunny just won't die like bunnies are apt to do after just 3 or 4 short years, just like the bunny we purchase 7 years ago! Maybe it's a super-bunny bunny that will live forever & ever & ever...just like the bunny we purchased 7 years ago. Maybe the owners of the bunny in question couldn't keep up with it anymore and were tired of buying all of the food and cedar bedding, tired of cleaning the cage week in & week out, but just couldn't bring themselves to release said bunny into the wild to fend for itself after living in captivity, just like the bunny we purchased 7 very long years ago!!!

Maybe, just maybe....

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